Today while working on a relatively complex project I
stumbled for couple of hours to split a square matrix into multiple subsets of
square arrays. As usual I Googled and Binged for few minutes and did not find
any articles or source code on how to tackle the problem, the result is this
small article.
Here is my 2 – dimensional array for a Telugu letter మౌ (pronounced as mou).
This is partially normalized character for 32X32
pixels. To compute Zonal/rotational characteristics of this letter I wanted to
split this letter into 4 horizontal and 4 vertical tracks, so that each subset contains
8X8 pixels with total of 16 squares. In other words I wanted to split 32X32 Square
into 16 equally sized squares.
Following function returns a jagged
array. Jagged array is an array of arrays. In this case I wanted 16, 8X8 sub
squares and the result for the above matrix is
Function :
public static int[][,] SplitSquareMatrix(int[,] characterMatrix, int horizintalTrackCountForSubsquares,
int verticalTrackCountForSubsquares)
int cwidth = characterMatrix.GetLength(0);
int cheight = characterMatrix.GetLength(1);
int xstep = cwidth / verticalTrackCountForSubsquares;
int ystep = cheight / horizintalTrackCountForSubsquares;
int xincrement = xstep, yincriment = ystep;
int xcor = 0,ycor = 0;
int loopCount=0;
int ycounter=0,xcounter=0,j=0,k=0;
// Declare a jagged array of Squares. Squares is an array of 2 dimensional with
// (x,y) == (row,column).
int[][,] Squares = new int[verticalTrackCountForSubsquares * horizintalTrackCountForSubsquares][,];
while (j < horizintalTrackCountForSubsquares)
Squares[loopCount]=new int[xstep, ystep];
for (int x = xcor; x < xincrement; x++)
if (x >= cwidth) break;
for (int y = ycor; y < yincriment; y++)
if (y >= cheight) break;
Squares[loopCount][xcounter, ycounter] = characterMatrix[x, y];
ycounter = 0;
xcounter = 0;
xcor = xincrement;
xincrement = xincrement + xstep;
// reset variables to next y step.
k = 0;
xcor = 0;
xincrement = xstep;
ycor = yincriment;
yincriment = yincriment + ystep;
return Squares;
int verticalTrackCountForSubsquares)
int cwidth = characterMatrix.GetLength(0);
int cheight = characterMatrix.GetLength(1);
int xstep = cwidth / verticalTrackCountForSubsquares;
int ystep = cheight / horizintalTrackCountForSubsquares;
int xincrement = xstep, yincriment = ystep;
int xcor = 0,ycor = 0;
int loopCount=0;
int ycounter=0,xcounter=0,j=0,k=0;
// Declare a jagged array of Squares. Squares is an array of 2 dimensional with
// (x,y) == (row,column).
int[][,] Squares = new int[verticalTrackCountForSubsquares * horizintalTrackCountForSubsquares][,];
while (j < horizintalTrackCountForSubsquares)
Squares[loopCount]=new int[xstep, ystep];
for (int x = xcor; x < xincrement; x++)
if (x >= cwidth) break;
for (int y = ycor; y < yincriment; y++)
if (y >= cheight) break;
Squares[loopCount][xcounter, ycounter] = characterMatrix[x, y];
ycounter = 0;
xcounter = 0;
xcor = xincrement;
xincrement = xincrement + xstep;
// reset variables to next y step.
k = 0;
xcor = 0;
xincrement = xstep;
ycor = yincriment;
yincriment = yincriment + ystep;
return Squares;
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